Funeral Padme Progress…

Padme is going; but she’s not really finished. After this con the collar and the few sequins I sewed on will be taken off, and the cape will be dyed some more. I may also remake the collar. But it’s wearable. I hope.

I packed Hoth Leia, Ewok Village Leia, and Slave Leia, along with Funeral Padme, Corde, and Wonder Woman. Out of those, I probably won’t wear Corde. I don’t think there’s time.
Schedule wise, I don’t know, all I know for sure is Hoth leia for our ESB-preferred group photo, and Ewok Village Leia for the wedding.

I just tried to load the car – everything isn’t fitting. Chase said he’d look when he gets home, but I’m not feeling too good about it. It’s one of his bins that’s making it too hard to pack – I think everything would fit, except that bin. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner, but my aunt is going out of town today, too – we could have borrowed her SUV for the weekend again, like we did for MTAC. We’re even house-sitting for her when we get back, so I could have just left my car at their house all weekend.

Almost done. Well, almost wearable, I guess I should say. The only place I had in my house big enough for this monster (and also where it would be safe from potentially rubbing dye on stuff) - was my garage. So, | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

LOL I have to mention, I ended up finishing Funeral Padme in the garage. It was still a tad damp from the dye yesterday morning, so I didn’t want to bring it in the house last night. I brought the dressform out into the garage, laid the hammock out on the floor, and set it up out there. Sewed on the collar (just loosely, since I’m going to be taking it off again soon), and a handful of sequins, and the sequin trims down the front – did some of that last night, and some this morning. Last night it was the junebugs buzzing around smacking into the garage light that was bothering me – this morning it was a bee and a fly. Stop bugging me!